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Pin data to an S3 bucket, such as on Amazon's S3 service or MinIO, using the package.


  prefix = NULL,
  versioned = TRUE,
  access_key = NULL,
  secret_access_key = NULL,
  session_token = NULL,
  credential_expiration = NULL,
  profile = NULL,
  region = NULL,
  endpoint = NULL,
  cache = NULL



Bucket name. You can only write to an existing bucket.


Prefix within this bucket that this board will occupy. You can use this to maintain multiple independent pin boards within a single S3 bucket. Will typically end with / to take advantage of S3's directory-like handling.


Should this board be registered with support for versions?

access_key, secret_access_key, session_token, credential_expiration

Manually control authentication. See documentation below for details.


Role to use from AWS shared credentials/config file.


AWS region. If not specified, will be read from AWS_REGION, or AWS config file.


Endpoint to use; usually generated automatically for AWS from region. For MinIO, use the full URL (including scheme like https://) of your MinIO endpoint.


Cache path. Every board requires a local cache to avoid downloading files multiple times. The default stores in a standard cache location for your operating system, but you can override if needed.


board_s3() is powered by the paws package which provides a wide range of authentication options, as documented at In brief, there are four main options that are tried in order:

  • The access_key and secret_access_key arguments to this function. If you have a temporary session token, you'll also need to supply session_token and credential_expiration. (Not recommended since your secret_access_key will be recorded in .Rhistory)

  • The AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY env vars. (And AWS_SESSION_TOKEN and AWS_CREDENTIAL_EXPIRATION env vars if you have a temporary session token)

  • The AWS shared credential file, ~/.aws/credentials:

    aws_access_key_id=your AWS access key
    aws_secret_access_key=your AWS secret key

    The "default" profile will be used if you don't supply the access key and secret access key as described above. Otherwise you can use the profile argument to use a profile of your choice.

  • Automatic authentication from EC2 instance or container IAM role.

See the paws documentation for more unusual options including getting credentials from a command line process, picking a role when running inside an EC2 instance, using a role from another profile, and using multifactor authentication.



if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
board <- board_s3("pins-test-hadley", region = "us-east-2")
board %>% pin_write(mtcars)
board %>% pin_read("mtcars")

# A prefix allows you to have multiple independent boards in the same pin.
board_sales <- board_s3("company-pins", prefix = "sales/")
board_marketing <- board_s3("company-pins", prefix = "marketing/")
# You can make the hierarchy arbitrarily deep.

# Pass S3 arguments like `Tagging` through the dots of `pin_write`:
board %>% pin_write(mtcars, Tagging = "key1=value1&key2=value2")

} # }